This particular day found us on the door step of a certain Down East Dilettante, a bottle of Albariño in hand. As we sipped wine from ruby-glass goblets and talked furniture and old houses the fog swirled around us outside. While the gentleman and the Dilettante chatted, I slipped out and captured the view from the back window. I don't think there's anything much to apologize for do you? As for the inside. . . well, he'll have to show you that himself some day.
Thank you Dilettante for letting us interrupt your day!
P.S. There's a Maine set on Flickr.
we are headed that way ---look forward to having my head in the clouds.
I couldn't agree more about the fog . . . one of the things I actually like about living on the east coast. And you're perfectly right, too, about the quilt, book, and wuthering-type dreams! Few things can beat that combination. :)
And I thought I was the only one who dreamt of craggy moors and ill-fated romances on gray days! I watched too many PBS movies as a child, I think. 10 too many remakes of Wutherings Heights and Daphne DuMaurier romances are the reasons that one of my biggest "if ever I win the lottery" dreams is to have an ancestral home (ha, I'd settle for a farmhouse!) on a moor. Lauren
pve ~ enjoy your trip north. I hope it is as restorative for you as it was for me.
Inkslinger ~ I don't think I could ever leave the east coast too far behind. Those foggy days are pure magic (unless of course they stick around for a little TOO long).
I(D) ~ a little gothic inspiration is never a bad thing...
Janet --
The first one feels like an Old Master painting.
Love the Maine set on Flickr, especially the cosmos, the flippers, and the wisteria.
hey! Those are my cosmos! So the Gentleman wasn't joking about the wetsuit. That's one way to survive a swim in Maine.
You've beat me----I found the camera immediately after you left, so have a photo of your recently vacated chair and emptied glass, waiting for a post to be built around same. You two can interrupt my day anytime
I love having days like this, a nice change and cooling off this time of year! Divine images.
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Those are the kind of days that remind me of home - you're right, Cathy and Heathcliff, Jane and Rochester. I was born on the Lancashire side of the moor from where the Brontes lived, the Yorkshire side. The moors, the dales, the stone walls .... almost crying into my Manhattan.
A bottle of Albariño no less! You're welcome to stop by here in Kansas any day. With the 100+ days we've had these last few weeks, wet suits is what we all wear anyway.
I love a good gray day myself. I'm so jealous and wish I could have been there with such fantastic company; especially to meet the esteemed Dilettante
Lucky you! What color did the Dilettante end up painting his back door?
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