But, what great adventures lay ahead! Some of you already know all about the Attingham Summer School Program, and those of you who don't may read about it here. People tell you that it will change your life, which is perhaps a bit dramatic. However, I will say that its impact is tremendous, and that it was perhaps one of the best experiences of my life. Since returning home, I have been wandering in a bit of a haze...wondering if it was indeed real (and emails from fellow classmates attesting to the same sense of malaise give me hope that I am not alone in this). Anyway, I mentioned yesterday that I had been thinking how best to share this whole experience with you. I thought that a systematic review of each house (à la the historic house tours) might be a bit pedantic. SO, I have decided a thematic approach would be more exciting ~ i.e. focusing each day on a specific topic, such as gardens, or textiles, or architecture. What do you think?
Okay, well, until tomorrow. xo.
I so get that sense of looking out the window of a train with a sad desire to be out there - on the other side of the glass.
What beautiful images you capture! glp
I think thats a great idea -much better than the regular house tour -show us what you learned by grouping things thematically!
Sounds like great idea to me too.
Welcome back (and may you return to Scotland soon).
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