Monday, April 12, 2010

bits and pieces

I loved reading all of your Williamsburg memories! Thank you for sharing them. Sorry I have been absent lately...the past week has been a whirlwind! And there so much more to share from Virginia (and beyond). In the mean time:

* a Philip Johnson house is remade
* and I secretly adore the loser lettuces! (so glad to know that I am not the only one)

See you wednesday! xo


Reggie Darling said...

Loved the Texas House, I mean the Neiman Marcus Store, I mean...wait a minute! What was that? Someone lives there? I thought I was here to buy some shoes!

The Down East Dilettante said...

Sorry Janet, you know I love ya, but when I saw the iceberg soup recipe in Bittman, I just went 'nah', just as easy to make soup with a real vegetable in it. HOWEVER, that hunk of iceberg with blue cheese---yum.

Gretchen said...

Oh, a big chunk of grilled romaine is divine. Although my childhood version of iceberg salads left a great something to be desired. I'm all for a healthy mixture!

Janet said...

Reggie Darling ~ I really didn't know what to say about that house. But, you sort of summed it up perfectly!

Dilettante ~ I am actually curious to try the lettuce soup! I'll let you know how it turns out...

G ~ there is nothing healthy about about a hunk of iceberg smothered in blue cheese...but I LOVE it!!! Oooooh, and grilled romaine. yum.