Friday, May 13, 2011

trouvée: the hollyhock

Don't you wish you knew the story behind this one?! Alas, there is no inscription. But, I think it safe to say that was one prize-winning hollyhock! {click image to view larger}

Some things:

* Howard Sooley (Emile reminded me of his work the other day by mentioning Derek Jarman, whose famous garden Sooley so eloquently photographed)

* and an advance copy of this impressive tome (832 pages) just arrived on my desk! Having had the pleasure of assisting on it over the past 5 years, I can say with authority. . . it is REALLY well done. (You should order a copy.)

Have a great weekend. Cheers.


Unknown said...

I love the cover....don't know if you had anything to do with it though.

Janet said...

Angela ~ the design is fantastic, isn't it?! I didn't have anything to do with that. . . just some of the content. Many late nights were spent transcribing and editing.

The Down East Dilettante said...

Oh, what fun. Love it.

And congrats on the book