Monday, September 14, 2009

a stopover in salem

When I stopped in Salem last June for a quick cup of tea with a friend at the Peabody Essex Museum, I knew I would have to come back with a little more time. So, on my way up to Maine the other week, I decided to spend a day there, seeing some Dutch seascapes, the amazing Yin Yu Tang (no words can describe), two historic houses, and one fabulous 18th-century quince tree. Even so, I barely scratched the surface.

Anyway, lots more from Salem over the course of this week (no witchcraft, I promise), and then back to the midwest next week, perhaps with a guest blogger or two.

Ummm...and speaking of quince: yum! It is not just for paste any more.


The Down East Dilettante said...

Agreed about Yin Yu Tang. Jaw dropping

pve design said...

You must have a super high powered broom, flying all over, sprinkling magic at every stop along the way.

LINDA from Each Little World said...

Somehow an old quince tree and Yin Yu Tang seem a perfect pairing. I've read a lot about YYT in print but not online so this is a nice find.