Monday, February 2, 2009

close to home 4

Blue skies and melting snows in Washington this weekend. Mild temperatures lured people outside to bask in a brief break in the weather ~ and prompted me to explore the outer reaches of the "close to home" limits (walking, not scurrying). Sunday afternoon there was a long-planned and rather belated birthday outing for two capricorns ~ a bit of history, some hot cocoa (with whipped cream!), and warm crêpes at Café Bonaparte made it worth the wait. However, I must say that our real treat was the sun (especially since a certain groundhog saw his shadow this morning).

And tomorrow, a surprise!


Just Jules said...

popping in from tangobaby's blog I believe. Wasn't the warmer temps this weekend a dream! However here in MN we are back to highs below zero - sigh-

Style Court said...

The series is still wonderful Janet. I especially love the pine cones in snow.