Just as I was wondering what in the world to write to you all today, a series of emails popped up in my mailbox. They were from a dear friend, wishing me well on my travels, and reminding me to pack my
Burke's Peerage. He attended the Attingham program two years ago and included some photographs from his trip, including this one, taken at
Little Moreton Hall in Cheshire. It was just what I needed after a stressful week ~ in between moving, packing for the trip, and getting things in order at work, I haven't had a moment to just BE excited ~ and his email reminded me that it is, indeed, all for real!
So, the move is done, the clothes are laid out, and the passport is tucked in my bag. The moleskine and watercolors are packed, and the camera has an empty memory card. I leave you all with warm wishes for the month of July...and look forward to sharing all of it with you when I get home. Cheers!
(photo: KDM)