Exact details of the story are sketchy in contemporary news reports. Miss Battye disappeared while staying with her friend Viscountess Long in Oxford Square, and was feared kidnapped (she had been attacked with a razor on the evening of the coronation of George VI several weeks earlier, and her fiance Michael subsequently received an anonymous letter threatening her well being). However, she turned up several days later in Regents Park, near the home of her future mother-in-law. She was suffering from what The New York Times called "nervous strain" and "memory loss," but was otherwise unharmed. The couple married and had three children, but ultimately divorced in 1952.
Today's English wedding was surrounded by far less intrigue. Lovely in every way! A new, fresh approach for the British monarchy, I think.
Some of my favorite bits:
* the dress!
* the flowers
* the kiss(es)
* and that Aston Martin
Well done! And a happy weekend to you all. . .