Anyway, in honor of this anniversary I thought I would share with you our wedding announcement (which we have at long last mailed off!). It was designed by my friend Tania Lee, an extraordinarily talented illustrator. It was printed in letterpress on creamy white Cranes stationery, and is probably the most divine thing I have ever seen! I simply told Tania that I wanted it to tell the "story" of us ~ and she took it from there. The lettering was inspired by the title page of a Humphry Repton red book (a nod to our Attingham summer school beginnings). Carlyle House was where we married, and the Planters Inn where we honeymooned. And of course Cupid played a little role in all of it. . . ! {click image to view larger}
they're finally off! They just turned out so well and so charming. Love them!
The wedding announcement is so lovely!!! And congratulations on your one year anniversary of the proposal (Mr. Inkslinger and I have long preferred our engagement anniversary to our wedding anniversary. I'm hoping it's because of the time of year of the former and not because of some kind of lack in the latter :).
A year ago?
The announcement is perfection.
P.S. Where is spring?
that is by far and away the best piece of mail I have ever received. It is a keeper. You're the tops! and the likeness from your photographs is perfect.
Stefan ~ it was almost sad to see them drop into the mailbox. But, I was excited to hear what people thought!
Inkslinger ~ I know how you feel. There is something magical about getting engaged, a life changing decision. And of course, spring is just so romantic. . .
KDM ~ I am longing for the scent of apple blossoms.
Little A ~ soooooo glad you liked it!!!
I was thrilled to at long last see it in person! Tania's interpretation is brilliant -- the general spirit, style and even your features! What a perfect encapsulation of everything.
The announcements are absolutely chaming!
I was a member of the 1991 Attingham summer school, one of the most wonderful experiences of my life.
Happy engagement anniversary! Married life suits you well. Hope to see you and the other "J" again soon.~MIR
The perfect way to document your "history" together. Many more exciting events ahead to cherish and recognize.
Mine arrived yesterday, yet another cold gray day up here, and was such a treat to open, the definite ray of pleasure and elegance amidst the drear. Absolutely enchanting. And happy anniversary.
Stunning and a perfect reflection of you (two!).
Confess there was a little shock when I saw your tweet...can it really be a year since that spring day under the crabapple trees?! Still remember the text you sent while Dad and I were having a margarita in New Rochelle! ...and now there is a little dachshund rolled up in a blanket beside me!
Dumbarton Oaks no less...a pass me down emerald...and cupid's wing. Best always. Love is hard to find. Glad it found you two.
Thank you for sharing that little bit of you both with us. It will be treasured. Happy engagement anniversary! xoxo
Surely you must win the prize for the most consistently elegant wedding of 2010? :)
wow! these are gorgeous! just beautiful!
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