My friend
G asked if I would share what I have been (and will be) eating this week. Truth be told, I went out to dinner last night (mmmm...pizza with wild mushrooms and proscuitto)! However, this evening I have a lump crab cake waiting for me and a pile of steamed asparagus. I have learned that fresh asparagus does not keep very well in the fridge, so I generally buy several bunches and steam it all right away. Then I just serve it cold, or toss it in with a salad. My buddy Steve makes the most divine curried mayonnaise, which he serves as a dipping sauce for cold asparagus. And though I am not privy to his secret recipe, I have been using
this one (minus the cayenne) and really like it. Plus, it is fabulous on sandwiches!
Later this week, I am making frittata with fresh farm eggs, leeks, and herbs. I love frittata because it is good for several meals, and heats up perfectly in the microwave.
And rhubarb...I bought an armful of it on sunday and made a big pot of sauce.
What's on your menu for the week?