After a week that seemed like a page out of a doomsday novel. . . earthquakes, hurricanes. . . life in Washington has quietly settled back to normal. We were lucky, very lucky, considering the scope of the destruction wrought by Irene along the east coast. My heart goes out to all from North Carolina to my home state of Maine. My family is safe and well, but there are so many others who are not.
Every morning I walk past the Newseum on my way to work. Lining the entrance are daily copies of the front pages of local newspapers from all over the country. There you can find the local interest stories sadly lacking from
The New York Times, or on CNN. Entire communities wiped out or stranded by flood waters that continue to rise. Historic buildings and bridges washed away by water. Many tough, but tired people. It is summer now, but these folks will soon be headed into a cold New England winter. It's hard to think about.
But, here are some ways to help on an immediate, local level:
* American Red Cross of
Vermont & New Hampshire Valley
* American Red Cross
Connecticut Region
The Preservation Trust of Vermont
And here in Washington, the National Cathedral sustained several million dollars of damage in last week's earthquake. You can help the
repair effort.
If anyone has additional suggestions for local aid organizations, please add them in the comments.
Here's hoping you are all safe and well.