Friday, March 1, 2013

the first of march

Just now I let the dog out for his final spin around the "poo-tio." A light snow is falling and a sugary dusting is already coating the ground. It has been a snowy winter, even by Maine standards ~ and though I can't tell you the exact inch tally, I can tell you the bottom line on our bill for snow plowing.

But the overwhelming piles of white are beginning to subside, and patches of soggy earth are revealing themselves. Yesterday morning I heard birds chirping ~ and I have it on good authority that a red-winged blackbird has been spotted in the neighborhood. Dare I say it? Dare I . . . ?

Best not. It is snowing after all.

(Oh, and I do promise to tell you about the dog. Soon. He's just so hard to pin down for a portrait session.)

Monday, February 18, 2013


Winter has settled in ~ along with the wind and the cold. The loveliness of it delights me, in spite of frosty windows and frozen toes. The landscapes are stark and poignant, and there is a hush to the early mornings that can only come from a blanket of freshly-fallen snow.

Life has not been easy lately, and I have struggled to find my way to this space. I think about it often, and certainly I have a wealth of things to share ~ a camera full of photographs, little discoveries here and there, and tales of trips around New England. I will find the time eventually.

For now, a belated happy new year to you all, with promises of good things to come.