Friday, July 23, 2010

trouvée: the farmer's wife

"The farmer takes a wife, the farmer takes a wife. . ." For some reason this photograph makes me want to giggle.

A few things:

* the Tenement Museum launches a new image database (really amazing, amazing stuff)
* Rokeby House ~ a stunning legacy or a family burden?
* and the Gettys in Tuscany (a different sort of legacy)

Gosh, it has been a busy week ~ reports to write, gardens to water, weddings to plan (you know, the usual). So I hope you'll forgive the spotty posting. I have a few goodies for next week though. Until then, have a wonderful weekend.

Oh, and do try to stay cool.


Blue said...

Janet, you really do provide the most pleasurable Saturday-morning-with-the-coffee reads and I wonder how you find the time - not a criticism, I hope you understand, just wonderment at your range of interest.

Your trouve photos remind me of a vast number of b/w snaps taken probably with a box brownie in Mesopotamia and Egypt during the 20s I found thrown away in a dumpster at a now no-longer extant London warehouse for colonial families at their postings. If after a number of years the rent on the storage had not been paid they were cleared out and contents disposed of. My collection, kept in a shoebox was stolen before I left to live in Amsterdam.

Janet said...

Oh, Blue, thank you. If I were to tell you how I find all these things it would read a little bit like the chronicles of a mad woman. And snaps of Mesopotamia and Egypt ~ how divine!!! But really, WHO steals that?!!?!